The original FireBoard had a much smaller LCD screen but the new Fire Board 2 screen is almost as good as the Signals. App experience is good, with a few more options including the ability to send text or email alerts when your alarms are hit. You can also set conditions on the alarm, for example only go off after a certain amount of time. Add to Wishlist FireBoard® is a Cloud Connected Smart Thermometer, designed for remote monitoring in both hot and cold environments. Easy to setup and install on your wireless network, the. How to activate a FireBoard by adding it to your account in the FireBoard App.Knowledge Base: Coming from another well known brand of smoker and app, the FireBoard is on a whole nother level. The amount of days you can log is insane. Pit temp, probe temps, auger speed, all laid out beautifully with different views available. Being able to add time stamped notes with photos helps to truly hone the absolute perfect cook.

  1. Fireboard App Review
  2. Fireboard Apple Watch

Yoder Smokers has partnered with FireBoard Labs in order to bring top notch technology to their Pellet smoker line in the “S” series.

With WiFI and Bluetooth capabilities, the temperature monitoring system from FireBoard is integrated with these smokers, allowing consumers to monitor their food and smoker temperatures via smartphone, tablet, or computer through the FireBoard App.

The Yoder Pellet Smokers have two ports for the temperature probes, either food or ambient probes. At some point it may be necessary to incorporate additional temperature ports, which can be done by using a stand alone FireBoard along with the Yoder. Both can be connected to the App, and temperatures can be monitored at the same time.

Adding the Yoder Smoker & FireBoard to the App

Follow the instructions in the Getting Started section to create an account and activate your YS embedded FireBoard.

Yoder User’s Manuals

The Yoder website conveniently offers a multitude of downloadable resources, including the User’s Manuals for the S Series featuring FireBoard ACS controllers.

Please refer to the manual for your style of smoker for more information about operations of your Yoder.

Yoder Smoker Customer Service

We at FireBoard are happy to answer any questions about the Yoder FireBoard and the FireBoard App and how they function.

To contact Yoder Smoker customer support, email or call 877-409-6337

A great place to join the discussion about the Yoder Smokers is on the their community forum.

Updated September 29th 2020

You can use the FireBoard REST API to access information from the FireBoard Cloud, including devices, sessions, and temperature channels. Requests are in JSON format and require a token authentication method.

The current FireBoard REST API version is v1.


To use the FireBoard REST API, you must have a FireBoard account.


The FireBoard REST API uses a simple token-based HTTP Authentication scheme. The unique account token can be retrieved through the login endpoint.

Sample response:

Retrieve Authentication Token


JSON Request Parameters

usernameYour username or email address required
passwordYour account password required

Using the Authentication Token

The FireBoard API expects the authentication token to be included in the Authorization HTTP header for all request. The key should be prefixed by the string literal “Token”, with whitespace separating the two strings. For example:

Fireboard App

Authorization: Token 9944bb9966cc22cc9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b

Device API

Fireboard app review

The device API allows you to retrieve information about any FireBoard in the authenticated account.

Device properties

idintegerUnique identifier resource.
UUIDstringAlternative unique identifier resource.
titlestringThe name of the FireBoard.
createddate-timeThe date the FireBoard was added to the account.
hardware_idstringThe serial number of the FireBoard.
latest_tempsarrayAn array of the latest temperature readings from this FireBoard. Temperature readings older than 60 seconds are not included.
device_logobjectMost recent log information from the FireBoard.
channelsarrayAn array representing each channel/port on the FireBoard. Channels include labels, alert values, and notification settings.
last_templogdate-timeThe date of the last known temperature recorded by this FireBoard.

List All Devices

The Devices endpoint allows you to view all FireBoards in your account.


Retrieve a Specific Device

Retrieve detailed information about a specific device by referencing the Device’s UUID.


Get Real-Time Temperature From the Device

Get the latest temperature values per channel from the device using the Temps endpoint. Temperature values are included if they are less than a minute old, otherwise nothing is returned for the channel.


Get Real-Time Drive data From the Device

Get the latest FireBoard Drive log information for your device using the Drivelog endpoint. Drive log information is returned if less than a minute old.

Fireboard App


Session API

The session API allows you to retrieve information about any current or historical session in the authenticated account.

Session Properties

idintegerUnique identifier resource.
titlestringThe name of the session.
durationstringString representation of the total duration of this session (e.g. 5 hours, 30 minutes).
createddate-timeThe date the session was created in the FireBoard Cloud.
start_timedate-timeThe configurable start time for the session.
start_timedate-timeThe configurable end time for the session.
descriptionstringA string contained notes entered by the user pertaining to the session.
ownerobjectAn object representation of the owner’s account information.
devicesarrayAn array of FireBoard devices that were used during the session.

List All Sessions

The Sessions endpoint allows you to view all sessions in your account


Retrieve a Specific Session

Retrieve detailed information about a specific session by referencing the session’s id.


Retrieve Session Data for Charting

Fireboard AppApp

The Chart endpoint provides all temperature data from the session in a format suitable for many charting frameworks. The optional drive parameter can be used to include FireBoard Drive data in the output.

drivePass this parameter in the query string with a value of 1 to include Drive data from your session e.g ?drive=1optional


The chart data is an array of objects representing a specific channel on a specific device.

xarrayArray of unix timestamps
yarrayArray of temperature values or Drive %
degreetypeintegerInteger representing the degree type: 1=C°, 2=F°
devicestringThe UUID identifier of the device
labelstringThe configurable label of the channel

Rate Limits

Users will be limited to 200 API calls per hour, if this rate limit is exceeded then user access will be blocked for 30 minutes.

Best Practices:

  • When the time limit has been reached, stop making API calls. Continuing to make calls will continue to increase your call count, which will increase the time before calls will be successful again.
  • Spread out queries evenly to avoid traffic spikes.
  • Avoid calls that request overlapping data.

Fireboard App Review

Limits subject to change at discretion of FireBoard

Fireboard Apple Watch

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