Mike Kasper cherished his family and brought great love and energy into their daily lives. His larger-than-life personality left a lasting impact on his family, friends, colleagues, community and anyone who had the pleasure of knowing him. Please join us in remembering and celebrating Mike’s life and legacy by sharing a memory, story and/or a photo of Mike. Becker called Kasper an 'unusually gifted and kind' leader, likening him to DuPage's first CEO, Darrell Stremler, who led the group from 1999 until 2005, when he also died at a young age, 45, of.
Now available ON-DEMAND
Presented on:
March 20, 2017
Presented by:
Mike Kasper, CEO, DuPage Medical Group
DuPage Medical Group (DMG), the largest independent multi-specialty physician group in the midwest, based in suburban Chicago is built on four basic, but supremely important principles: high quality, efficient service, value and high access care. Focusing on these four values, the organization was prepared when MACRA became law. DMG has outperformed their peers on many MACRA-related metrics, is proactive in adopting new technologies, and has formed important relationships with other local healthcare organizations, leading them to be one of the best performing organizations in the US on the clinical side.
With MACRA implementation well underway, there is considerable confusion within the industry. What is the best payment model for your organization? How to successfully execute important checklist items? How to overcome the challenges unique to physician organizations? Use this webinar on-demand to hear directly from Mike Kasper, CEO of DuPage, as he outlines the specific strategies that allowed DuPage Medial Group to embrace MACRA without missing a beat.
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By Mark Zonca
February 2013 View more Business
There are two major accomplishments we’ve had as a group over the past two years that really stand out. First, was the formation of Illinois Health Partners (IHP) in May 2011 with Edward Hospital and Health Services. IHP takes care of almost 100,000 HMO patients and we are working on expanding our services to the nearly two million people that live in Naperville and the surrounding areas. This joint venture is unique in that it takes an integrated approach to treating patients in the Naperville area. DMG and Edward have come together, using the same medical record, which will lead to improved care and outcome for our patients. While improving care, IHP will also take out redundant administrative services. For example, DMG provides billing and managed care services to the Edward Medical Group. We will continue to collaborate to improve care for patients and take costs out of the system.
Most recently, in early December we opened our Lisle Medical Office Building. This project is important because it allows us to add to the services we already offer our patients. As an example, we will be now be able to provide comprehensive cancer care with state of the art equipment for radiation oncology and diagnostic imaging. More importantly, patients facing a cancer diagnosis, can be treated closer to home and have a unique integrated experience that begins with a patient or nurse navigator who will work with the patient and their family to make sure they understand all the care needed and can assist in making those appointments. Also, the patient will have access to a team of physicians all working together in one site to ensure the appropriate care is given. Finally, we have an affiliation with Rush University Medical Center, which brings highly specialized sub-specialty services to Lisle, rather than requiring a patient to have to travel into the city while they are dealing with a major illness and fatigue. We also opened our first immediate care center that is staffed by emergency room board certified physicians in the building and are averaging more than 30 patient visits per day.
Our success starts with our structure. DMG is 100 percent physician owned and directed. Physician leadership is paramount to our success. Our founding physicians formed the group in 1999 with a commitment to deliver the best patient care in the community. As part of that vision we believe in creating the most autonomous environment for our physicians and they, in turn, create great innovation that leads to outstanding patient care. We never lose focus of who we are and why we exist, everyone at DMG knows we exist to provide the highest quality care, in the most efficient manner, to as many patients as possible during their time of need. Our core principles of Quality, Efficiency, and Access (QEA) guide every decision we make. Whether it is our Board of Directors, department leaders, or site chairs—physicians that are engaged and willing to lead—will define our continued success more than anything else. Physicians are heavily involved and part of all key decisions for the Group.
I have always wanted to be in a position where I was able to help people. Health care was a natural fit for me. I was not blessed with healing hands, but taking on administrative and executive roles has allowed me to follow my passion for helping communities and to maximize my strengths in business and leadership. My sole focus is to be part of an organization that makes significant progress in fixing health care. I believe that doctors are key to the solution. The physicians I work with at DMG are some of the best. They are so passionate and committed to helping people, so it’s a great fit. We have a moral obligation to improve quality and make health care more affordable. I believe strongly that DMG and our partners are positioned to do just that, and it is exciting.
The recognition I received both from Crain’s and Modern Health Care is more of a reflection of what DMG is than who I am. There are very few independent physician organizations our size nationally, and as more physicians become employees at hospitals, DMG has become a safe harbor for physicians who want to have a strong say in how care is delivered. The DMG model is powerful because there are no bureaucratic barriers between patients and physicians. I am truly honored to have this position and feel a great sense of purpose at DMG.
The most important thing in my life is my family. My wife Nikki and our two beautiful children, Amelia and Cash, take up all of my time when I am not working. I certainly do have a hectic schedule that includes commitments on evenings and weekends, and my family is very supportive. One thing I learned early in my career, which helps keep me balanced, is that I never work while I’m at home. Unless there is an emergency, I focus on my family when we are together. We also travel together and take a couple of vacations a year. The days I do get to be home and have dinner with my family are very special for me