
We have released Xcode 11.2, which will replace the beta release.

The new image contains Xcode 11.2, running on Catalina.

Hi, I am running Xcode 12.4 on Catalina 10.15.7. The app seems to be working well, quite smooth i must say. The problem i'm facing is that when i downloaded and installed additional simulators for iOS versions below 14 (which is the officially supported version in Xcode 12.4) e.g. Gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected! Reference: Installation notes for macOS Catalina (v10.15) Check MacOS version. Run swvers in terminal to check your MacOS version. I would like to say no. I have a habit of taking the backup of old macOS and x code I am using Xcode 9.4 and 10.3 which I am using ow also. But I start to use Xcode 11.1 is the latest Xcode version for Mojave its support Swift 5 and its good. I'm using VMware to run macOS Catalina 10.15 beta I tried to download xcode from the appstore and it won't After that I downloaded the XCode 11.7 from the developer download, and installed it but won't work So I will download another XCode version, but Which XCode version is compatible with macOS Catalina 10.15 beta?

You can select this image by selecting 11.2.0 as follows:

This is the first image that we’ve built with Catalina, so there might be some bugs – please let us know if you find anything out of the ordinary.



Xcode Command Line Tools Version Catalina

  • The OS has been upgraded to macOS 10.15 (19A602) Catalina.
  • The timezone is changed to GMT. We used to set the timezone to PDT/PST, which caused some problems each time there was a daylight saving change.
  • Ruby is 2.6.3
  • The default shell is bash --login.
  • Xcode 11.2 Build 11B52
  • The runtimes installed are:
  • iOS 12.2
  • iOS 12.4
  • iOS 13.2
  • tvOS 12.4
  • tvOS 13.2
  • watchOS 5.3
  • watchOS 6.1

The manifest of installed software is here.


The last few releases of Xcode on CircleCI were problematic for Ruby users, due to issues with how Xcode 11 shipped the macOS SDK. This forced us to make some breaking changes with Ruby. My hope is that upgrading to Catalina will resolve these issues, and using Ruby will be more straight forward.

  • The system Ruby that comes bundled with 10.15 is 2.6.3. This is the ruby on the path by default.
  • chruby is installed, and is on the path, and there are two additional versions of Ruby installed, 2.5.7 and 2.6.5.
  • chruby auto-switching is not enabled by default. You can switch it on yourself should you wish.


Catalina ships with zsh as the default shells, but with CircleCI, the default shell is still bash. By default, commands on macOS run with /bin/bash --login -eo pipefail -c $COMMAND.


Xcode Version For Catalina

You can customize the shell for an executor, job or run command, which will allow you too run a command with zsh, should you wish: