It’s safe to say that Athlean-X and P90X are some of the biggest names in at-home fitness. And there’s no doubt that both can help you bulk up, burn fat, or get absolutely shredded.

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But let’s make one thing clear.

These two workout programs are completely different, each with their own pros and cons that make them special in their own way.

So in the battle of Athlean X vs P90X….which program is better?

Well, we’re about to find out!

Table of Contents

  • 3 Benefits of Athlean-X
  • 3 Reasons Against Athlean-X
  • 3 Benefits of P90X
  • 3 Reasons Against P90X

What is Athlean-X?

Athlean X is a fitness company created by a physical therapist and personal trainer Jeff Cavaliere. Each Athlean-X program helps to bring the principles of biomechanics back to the gym for:

  • Muscle growth
  • A shredded ripped, or muscular look
  • Fat loss
  • Injury prevention
  • Targeting each muscle uniquely
  • Greater athleticism (in terms of performance and appearance)

There’s an Athlean-X program for just about any fitness goals you may have, whether you’re looking to smash through a plateau, build a six-pack, or stick purely to bodyweight exercises.

Athlean X 90 Training System Reviews

That goes for all skill levels, beginners to advanced.

Athlean-X programs will often have you in the gym—or in your garage gym—four to five days a week for 15 to 40 minutes at a time, sometimes requiring access to barbells or other gear.

It’s also worth noting that Athlean-X is entirely digital.

Each workout program comes with access to an online module. There, you can watch how-to exercise videos, record your progress from week to week, and follow along with the diet plan.

You can get more details in this Athlean-X review.

3 Benefits of Athlean-X

1. Uniquely Target Muscles


The biomechanics infusion in Athlean-X programs is the most significant benefit.

For example, you’re never just hitting your abs, but rather doing specific exercises that target the individual ab muscles—like the obliques, transverse abdominis, and rectus abdominis.

This can catapult your physique and brute strength across the board.

2. Dozens of Programs to Choose From

There’s no sense in doing a pure fat-burning program if you intend to bulk up.

Athlean-X has literally dozens of programs that you can choose from, all categorized by fitness level and goals (muscle building, fat burning, or a combination of the two).

Get the workout program that fits your needs!

3. Progress Tracking

Sometimes it takes a while to see your physical gains.

That’s why low morale is widespread during those first few weeks.

Many of the Athlean-X programs come with challenges and the ability to share your score on the leaderboard along with fellow users, which can be motivating if you like to compete.

3 Reasons Against Athlean-X

1. No Refund Policy

Athlean-X programs aren’t exactly cheap.

You might order a program, only to realize that you don’t have the right gear, time to commit each week, or the skill level to thrive.

So buying the program can be risky in the financial sense.

2. Equipment Access Not Guaranteed

The typical Athlean-X workout is fast-paced, and equipment variety is a clear bonus.

Yet, quickly hopping from the squat rack to the dumbbells (or any other major equipment changes) can be impossible if the gym is crowded or the gear you need is taken.

Unless you have the equipment at home, following the workouts to a T can be hard.

3. Running the Module in the Gym Can Be Complicated

We can’t deny that the Athlean-X online module has a lot to offer.

You can keep track of your meal plans, cheat days, workout performance, and how-to videos in one easy-to-use platform.

Yet, this program may not run smoothly on a smartphone or tablet in the gym.

What is P90X?

P90X is one of the most well-known at-home fitness programs by Tony Horton, dating back to the days of fitness DVDs. Now “BeachBody,” the P90X workouts series provides benefits like:

  • A claim to lose nine pounds in 14 day
  • Insane muscle growth and mass
  • Fat loss
  • Greater athleticism (overall)
  • Muscle confusion for plateau prevention
  • Quick results
  • A healthy meal plan

P90X has since expanded into several different workout programs to reach a more significant number of goals. Today’s plans include the traditional P90X as well as P90X2 and P90X3.

Though extreme, P90x does offer exercise modifications for beginners.

P90X bodyweight workouts are known for being intense, exhausting, and sweaty. Over 90 days, you’ll cycle through 12 workouts, six days a week, for up to 90 minutes at a time.

Accessing these workouts is as straightforward as possible.

Via the P90X website or app, you can stream the workouts anywhere in the house through your favorite streaming device. You just need your smartphone, smart TV, or tablet on hand.

3 Benefits of P90X

1. 14-Day Free Trial

Not all workout programs will work for you.

Worst of all, many workout programs cost a good sum of money, leaving you out a chunk of change when you realize it’s not within your wishes.

The 14-day trial gives you the chance to try P90X to see if it fits your goals and abilities.

2. Stands the Test of Time

Trends come and go in the world of fitness.

But fortunately, that’s not the case with P90X, as this program has been around for 15 years now (it was first released in 2005).

No program would be around for nearly two decades if it were a total flub.

3. Wider Streaming Capabilities

What’s an online workout program without access to the program?

The fact that P90X is available to stream on your smartphone, tablet, or smart TV allows you to workout wherever you want, whenever you want.

Follow along at the park, in your living room, or even in the gym.

Athlean X 90 Training System

3 Reasons Against P90X

1. Nearly All Bodyweight Exercises

There’s nothing wrong with bodyweight exercises.

The possible problem you may have with P90X is that many workouts either don’t use dumbbells or other weights, or they do so sparingly.

So if you like to lift and you like to lift heavy, this might be off-putting.

2. Might Be Over-Hyped

Athlean x training system review

Losing an average of 0.64 pounds per day isn’t generally seen as “safe.”

So it is a bit misleading for P90X to claim that new users can lose up to nine pounds during the first two weeks, a result that’s likely rare and can be dangerous.

P90X is also based on “muscle confusion,” a hotly-debated topic that’s still not entirely proven.

3. “Extreme” is Right

To be frank, P90X workouts are absolutely brutal.

Some workouts extend toward the 90-minute mark and are nearly entirely aerobic exercises, so this might be out of the realm of possibility if you’re not already fit.

It may be too extreme for the average person to stick to past the free trial.

Athlean-X vs P90X Conclusion

Though Athlean-X and P90X programs can both yield serious fitness and health results, Athlean-X is a far better option for most people.

Here’s why.

  • 15 to 40-minute workouts are more realistic than the 60+-minute workouts from P90X.
  • Most Athlean-X programs include resistance training, not just bodyweight exercises.
  • You can choose the program that matches your fitness and physique goals best.
  • The module lets you track your progress and compete against other Athlean-X users.
  • Athlean-X programs target muscles directly with several different approaches.


So there you have it! It looks like it’s time to scout out the programs from Athlean-X and take your gains to the next level.

You can start by checking out our in-depth review of the popular Inferno Max Shred Program by Athlean-X.


When I’m hired by an athlete or actor to add up to 5 to 10 lbs of
“performance ready” muscle OR strip them of excess fat, I have hundreds,
maybe thousands, of protocols I can use. If I’m given the challenge of
accomplishing both at the same time without compromise – This is the exact
program I reach for.


The athlean look is muscular, strong, and ripped. It is the ideal balance of
muscle to body fat that is optimized for performance without sacrificing
aesthetics…the look that most men desire and many women are attracted to.

Less effective training methods will have you thinking the only way to
achieve this is with periods of “bulking” and “cutting”. That is simply not

With ATHLEAN-X, I’ll help you to get this look and keep it



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The ATHLEAN body is created by taking what works in the lab and testing it in the ultimate proving ground…the gym. If the research stands up there, THEN it will make it to you.

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You can be 100% sure my methods work. Not a single rep is wasted. That’s why I’m confident in the outcomes you’ll achieve.


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Imagine having the pure natural confidence of an athlete. Knowing that no matter what day, week or month of the year it is, you’ll be able to say that you look your best, feel your best and can perform with the best of them! Being powerful starts with feeling empowered. This is exactly what ATHLEAN-X delivers.

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