The new story and script means that I need to redo my breakdown sheets for my short, there are a lot less characters and props so it’s a lot easier to plan now and should definitely be more feasible to get done. The script was broken up into 7 scenes and the assets and effects required were divided into their categories. Here is a sample of my breakdown pages, using the same template as a base that I linked in my first breakdowns post. These will face some adjustments most likely as I get more feedback on the current story version but for now they are pretty helpful in planning the film, and later will be vital when I need to see what all I need to do and make.
Looking for a script breakdown sheet template? We have two options for you! Either download the breakdown template below, or use StudioBinder to tag your elements and generate breakdown reports online. Script breakdowns are typically put together by the 1st AD or producer during the pre-production phase. A script breakdown informs and leads into the creation of the shooting schedule and the budget. First, let's cover script breakdown basics before we dive into marking up a script step-by-step.